Welcome to our groups at Kik and Telegram!

We want to make a sociable platform for youngsters of 16 year and older with sociable and fun groups of people who like to meet other people. Every group has their own target audience which you can find in the logo of the group.

Because of the rules of Kik we only allow people of 13 years and older from outside de EU and people from 16 years or older from within the EU or people younger than these ages with permission of their parents. This is applied on Kik and Telegram.

Underneath the general rules are the specific rules given for every group. These rules are about the age range of the group and if the group is clean or NSFW. A clean group means a group where it is not allowed to send sexual messages or sexual visual material, in a NSFW group it is allowed to send this.

For all groups there are some general rules:

  • Introduce yourself when you enter a group
    When you enter a group, please introduce yourself with your name, age and place you come from. Send a live face picture towards an admin as well.
  • Have respect for each other
    Be nice and have respect for everyone. You can disagree with someone but please have respect for each other. Calling names is not allowed, we will warn you if this happens. If it happens repeatedly this will result in a kick or a ban.
  • Set a profile picture
    This can be a face picture but it can also be a image or a body pic. Pictures of just underwear and nudes are not allowed.
  • No ‘Flaming’ and ‘Flooding’!
    With ‘flaming’ we mean the humilitaion of people in public. This means all saying which are meant to hurt someone.
    With ‘flooding’ we mean repeatedly saying the same sentence or sending the same emoji.
  • Use of upper case
    Use of upper case is not allowed as this is seen as shouting.
  • Dont send private messages without asking
    Ask someone first in the group if you can send him or her a private message before sending a private message to someone.
  • Contact details in the chat
    It is not allowed to send phonenumbers, addresses or mail addresses in the groupchats. You can send these contact details to each other in private messages or via the site.
  • Offensive name
    Offensive names are not allowed.
  • Return after a kick or ban
    It is not allowed to start a discussion in public groups about the kick or ban which has been given towards you. The kick or ban has been given because, in the opinion of the admin, you didn’t behave to the rules.
  • Advertising
    It is not allowed to send links or urls of other website which doesnt appeal to the topic. If you want to advertise for your website, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Changes in the rules of the chat
    The operators of GayTalk are allowed to change the rules at all time. This will be done without an announcment on the website.
  • Help / report via Gaytalk.net
    If you need any help or you want to report something to the crew please send one of the admins of the group a private message. They can help you. You can also post your report the website.
  • Discussion about the policy with operators or admins
    The operators and admins wont discuss the rules or the enforcement of the rules and the associates measures. For any annotations, questions and suggestions you can contact us at [email protected]. If you start a discussion about the rules in a groupchat or private message you could receive a kick or ban.

Specific rules per group:

    Age: Max 30 year.
    Clean group.

    Age: Max 30 year.
    Clean group.

    Age: Max 30 year.
    Clean group.

    Age: Max 30 year.
    Clean group.

    Age: Max 30 year.
    Clean group.

    Last updated: 24 March 2020